black and white headshot

freelancer, financial planner, creative entrepreneur.

i write about money & business for self-employed creatives // delivered once a week, every Saturday morning

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"One of the few newsletters I check out when it arrives in my inbox! I love the format and there's always something interesting to read"  - Liz F., freelancer
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career things

📍 Founder of Piertree, a finance-focused, creative holding company

💰 Co-founder of AllStreet Wealth, a virtual, fee-only financial planning firm for our generation
🍞 Creator of Creatorbread, a brand making money & business more approachable for self-employed creatives
🕳 Creator of The Crypto Guide, a collection of content to help anyone make sense of the digital asset environment​
🎨 Creator of Converting Attention, a collection of marketing resources for financial advisors​

🍞 breadOS

Built with Notion
A custom-built money management system for self-employed creatives